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Problem with "Symbolics loading was requested but the file was not specified or not found" when uploading debugger info to board

Associate III

I have a nasty problem with my STM32 Cube IDE on one machine. I had moved the working folder using the Export from STM32 CubeIDE in one machine to another where I used the import tool as I followed the info from STM on the web on how to do this. Although everything seems to compile OK on the other machine when I go to load the file through the debugger I get an error "Symbolics loading was requested but the file was not specified or not found". This is happening with every project file in the workspace. I have gone over the project build properties and debug properties and cannot find an answer or solution to this problem . (see attached screen capture)

Any help will be greatly appreciated.....Thank you.0693W00000D1mvsQAB.png


As Pavel said, re-create new debug configurations and it will probably work. Let us know if that worked out for you.

yes, a priori the debug folder seems to be the problem

For now, it works

thank you