2021-02-01 1:50 AM
I have imported existing project to cubt ide version 1.5.
below is the problem i am facing.
Problem running CDT Scanner Discovery provider com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.toolchain.armnone.setup.CrossBuiltinSpecsDetector
Error serializing language settings
Internal error while trying to serialize language settings
Could not write file: C:\STM32SecuWS\TFM\STM32Cube_FW_L5_V1.3.0\Projects\NUCLEO-L552ZE-Q\Applications\SBSFU\SBSFU_Boot\STM32CubeIDE\.settings\language.settings.xml.
C:\STM32SecuWS\TFM\STM32Cube_FW_L5_V1.3.0\Projects\NUCLEO-L552ZE-Q\Applications\SBSFU\SBSFU_Boot\STM32CubeIDE\.settings\language.settings.xml (Access is denied)
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-02-01 2:12 AM
Hello vrund!
It looks like you don't have write permission in the folder you're trying to use based on the "Access is denied" error.
I would first try to use your home folder or somewhere else where you know you have write permission.
2021-02-01 2:12 AM
Hello vrund!
It looks like you don't have write permission in the folder you're trying to use based on the "Access is denied" error.
I would first try to use your home folder or somewhere else where you know you have write permission.
2021-02-01 2:24 AM
Check file level attributes, remove Read Only if this was set when the file was pulled for source control or unpacked from archive. Files from a CD or DVD?
Was machine configure by different users? AV Software?
2021-02-01 2:27 AM
Thank you very much.
2021-02-01 2:27 AM
changing atttibutes works.
2024-04-03 8:12 AM
I've been using STM32CubeIDE for years without this error. Today I had the "Error serializing language settings" error. It refused to save the .cproject file after working well for the entire day. Restarting STM32CubeIDE multiple times or deleting and checking out the .cproject file again did not work. Deleting the .settings folder did not work. Starting STM32CubeIDE as admin did not work. Even removing the project from the workspace and importing it again did not work. I think the problem could have been triggered by switching a branch without clicking refresh project (this is often not needed). Or the Anti Virus software. Rebooting my PC solved the problem for me.