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one breakpoint creates multiple breakpoints and debugging fails

Associate II

I can no longer use breakpoints. When I insert 1 I get the banner complaining about too many breakpoints. I've cleared debug configurations, breakpoints, restarted, but the problem persists. I even went to the debugger console and inserted a single breakpoint there manually but it still inserted multiple breakpoints.

Here is the log from the debugger console. My typings are in bold. Initially there is a single temporary breakpoint but when I try to insert one, it inserts 64 breakpoints! What is going on and how do I fix it?

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info br

Temporary breakpoint 1, main () at ../Core/Src/main.c:89
89 HAL_Init();

info br
No breakpoints or watchpoints.
break cli.c:418
Breakpoint 2 at 0x8035ed0: cli.c:418. (32 locations)
info br
Num Type Disp Enb Address What
2 breakpoint keep y <MULTIPLE>
2.1 y 0x08035ed0 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
2.2 y 0x08035fa0 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
2.3 y 0x08036068 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
2.4 y 0x080360f8 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
2.5 y 0x080367c6 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
2.6 y 0x0803689e in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
2.7 y 0x0803694a in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
2.8 y 0x080369d6 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
2.9 y 0x08036a8c in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
2.10 y 0x08036b74 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
2.11 y 0x08036c44 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
2.12 y 0x08037034 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
2.13 y 0x080370e8 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
2.14 y 0x0803727e in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
2.15 y 0x08037318 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
2.16 y 0x080373a6 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
2.17 y 0x080373fc in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
2.18 y 0x08037504 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
2.19 y 0x080375a8 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
2.20 y 0x0803766e in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
2.21 y 0x08037700 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
2.22 y 0x080377c4 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
2.23 y 0x08037b58 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
2.24 y 0x08037c08 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
2.25 y 0x08038bce in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
2.26 y 0x08038f84 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
2.27 y 0x08039312 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
2.28 y 0x080393b4 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
2.29 y 0x08039404 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
2.30 y 0x080394e4 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
2.31 y 0x08039562 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
2.32 y 0x08039774 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
3 breakpoint keep y <MULTIPLE>
3.1 y 0x08035ed0 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
3.2 y 0x08035fa0 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
3.3 y 0x08036068 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
3.4 y 0x080360f8 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
3.5 y 0x080367c6 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
3.6 y 0x0803689e in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
3.7 y 0x0803694a in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
3.8 y 0x080369d6 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
3.9 y 0x08036a8c in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
3.10 y 0x08036b74 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
3.11 y 0x08036c44 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
3.12 y 0x08037034 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
3.13 y 0x080370e8 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
3.14 y 0x0803727e in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
3.15 y 0x08037318 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
3.16 y 0x080373a6 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
3.17 y 0x080373fc in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
3.18 y 0x08037504 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
3.19 y 0x080375a8 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
3.20 y 0x0803766e in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
3.21 y 0x08037700 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
3.22 y 0x080377c4 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
3.23 y 0x08037b58 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
3.24 y 0x08037c08 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
3.25 y 0x08038bce in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
3.26 y 0x08038f84 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
3.27 y 0x08039312 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
3.28 y 0x080393b4 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
3.29 y 0x08039404 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
3.30 y 0x080394e4 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
3.31 y 0x08039562 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
3.32 y 0x08039774 in safeEmit at /software/cli.c:418
Ghofrane GSOURI
ST Employee

Hello @RChap.1 

First let me thank you for posting.

Could you please indicate which STM32CubeIDE version , STM32 board and OS that you are using in order to push further the investigation.

I will be waiting for your feedback .



Version: Version: 1.14.1

Custom board with STM32L4R5ZIT-6 micro

Custom OS.

I've isolated the issue. It has to do with a macro that is used to create an atomic region of code. The breakpoint somehow decides that multiple breakpoints are necessary.

Here is a snippet of code with the macro and some example code:

#define ENTER_REGION()                                          \
	{                                                           \
		bool int_interrupt_enabled = __get_PRIMASK();           \
		if (int_interrupt_enabled) __disable_irq();

#define LEAVE_REGION()                                          \
		if (int_interrupt_enabled) __enable_irq();              \


#define safe(code) 	\
	code \

void record_event(const char * e) {
	if (playback == false)

If I set breakpoints on the two lines in the function record_event() [19,20], I end up with 3 breakpoints. This is from the debugger console:

info br
4       breakpoint     keep y   0x0803b93c in record_event at tea.c:19
5       breakpoint     keep y   <MULTIPLE> 
5.1                         y   0x0803b950 in record_event at tea.c:20
5.2                         y   0x0803b96e in record at tea.c:20
Associate II

Macros seem to be a problem in general. I set a breakpoint on line 4 with the BLACK_HOLE() macro and I get multiple breakpoints. This represents the extracted code under examination:

#define BLACK_HOLE(reason) system_failure(reason)

if (m == 0)
if (m == no_action)

In the breakpoints panel it only shows up as 1 breakpoint. The only way to know that there are multiple breakpoints is to use the debugger console:

info br
1       breakpoint     keep y   <MULTIPLE> 
1.1                         y   0x0803ae3a in actionRun at tea.c:4
1.2                         y   0x0803aef0 in actionRun at tea.c:4
1.3                         y   0x0803b0bc in actionRun at tea.c:4
1.4                         y   0x0803b83a in actionRun at tea.c:4

The memory span from the first breakpoint to the last breakpoint is 2560 bytes and is curious. Seems like a large memory span for a breakpoint for a single function call. I checked the breakpoint addresses in the .map file to find out what functions they were in and only the 4th breakpoint (1.4) is in the function actionRun. The other 3 breakpoints are in different functions elsewhere in the file and will cause phantom breakpoints to happen. Which I was also noticing.