2019-07-12 11:07 AM
2019-07-12 11:08 AM
OMG! What have you done.
This has got to be the most impossible to use Information Source!
I search for stm32cubeide target mcu and I get nothing but garbage.
In Atollic TruesStudio, this was a real live choice, but not your stupid IDE.
In fact, how could you totally screw up TrueStudio and make it worse than every otehr development tool when at version 9.3, it was truly the best STM32 Development IDE ever.
What a frickin mess.
I'm seriously considering a switch to a totally different vendor, one with superior support systems and information systems.
Your IT people are sinking your ship and if you don't reel them in, they're gonna put you out of business in less than a year.
2019-07-12 12:16 PM
>>In fact, how could you....
I think a lot of key players cashed in their chips and moved on, or were freed to pursue other opportunities.
Phase#1 Buy our own tool chain (see collect underpants)
Phase#2 bit sketchy
Phase#3 Free unicorns for everyone
2019-07-12 9:03 PM
I use Visual Studio and GDB, seems to work very well.
2019-07-14 9:39 AM
That looks very decent.
2019-07-16 4:10 AM
I'm not sure what the issue is. Where are you searching for info and getting nothing but garbage? And how was the result better in TrueSTUDIO?
2019-07-16 7:21 AM
You're right, confusing.
I was ranting and venting about STM32CubeIDE and this supposed information source at the same time.
I had been looking for information on STM32CubeIDE and this"what do you call it" thing, couldn't land me on a decent page of information about the product, STM32CubeIDE.
To be honest, I was already angry, mad, frustrated and upset about STM32CubeIDE and then when I ran into this mess, I just totally lost it.
A long time ago you had some community forum that was almost brain dead.
Then you set up a new forum which albeit a dogs breakfast, was passable and usable.
There, I am angry, all over again.
Now this and it's totally worse than your earliest community forum.
2019-07-16 7:33 AM
The other thing to consider is this,
Microsoft is trying to compete, with FACEBOOK. Their product is trying to emulate FACEBOOK.
Developers are not typically FACEBOOK users. We don't hang on to to PC for every little note and entry that bubbles onto our screen. We've got work to do.
We don't want a wanna be FACEBOOK system from Microsoft.
We want an interactive community knowledge sharing platform.
IT'S CALLED phpBB and it is the best. If you convert to phpBB, you will not get any complaints and you will get interaction and you will get people participating and your business and profits will improve.
Seriously, whoever made the decision to use Microsoft was totally brain dead.
ANd you documentation SUCK, big time. A part number for a pdf file that is different from the part number of the document itself and nowhere in your cocamamy system do you have revisions, so I never know if it's the most current version or not.
Every time I try to interact with STMIcroelectronics I have to login. For all that hassle, you could at least off me something.
If I have to login in to download a software product or a manual, you should keep track of what I downloaded and when it gets updated, tell me, send me an emial with a link thta offers to download the new revision without logging in.
Somehow the people running your public facing, CUSTOMERS, users, have become seriously BRAIN DEAD.
I like you products, but I hate your customer interaction and design and that's enough to kill your product. I KNOW, I WORKED FOR DEC.
2019-07-16 7:51 AM
I've been using Keil, IAR, Atollic TrueStudio and STM32CubeIDE extensively, and I don't agree with you. Atollic was not the best IDE in my opinion (even if every IDE has pros and cons). And CubeIDE is basically the same (except few functionalities like integration of CubeMX). I never tested this Information Source functionality though.
2019-07-16 9:37 AM
I found the UI of Keil and IAR to be clunky, almost terminal like, from oh so long ago. TrueStudio was fresh, modern, and intuitive as well as offered various options to customize it for my way of working.
As for STM32CubeIDE, you're right, TrueStudio is in there.
It's just that CubeMX as a stand alone solution is a better design.
Your cell phone, has hundreds of features you and everyone else will never use. Those features are not there because customers identified them as need to have, they are there because they can. This is an age old engineering conundrum.
Good engineering should result is tight, usable, problem free product, not encumbered by all manner of bells and whistles that slow it down, confuse the end user or make it fail. Just think Boeing 737 MAX. That is a great example of marketing and engineering seriously gone wrong.