2020-05-29 6:24 PM
Having trouble connecting with this Nucleo on my Windows 10. Using UM1724 User manual document I have looked at jumper connections and driver updates. I've tried using STCubeIDE and the ST-Link Utility SW to upgrade the FW, I also tried ST-link007 and ST-link009 USB Drivers.
I also found a section talking about if the Nucleo was plugged in to the computer before the driver was installed, it could lead to the device being "unknown". I'm not sure if I am guilty of this, but I followed their process for recovering if this was the case. It also told me that my "USB Composite Device" is up to date and wouldn't update the driver.
Jumpers set to CN2 ON, JP5 power to U5V and IDD ON.
Whenever it's plugged in I typically get the slow flashing red LED1 with a solid LED3 (indicating "power-on before USB initialization"). At some point I did get a fast flashing LED1 (indicating "after the first correct communication between the PC and ST-LINK/V2-1"). Haven't gotten it to repeat that one though.
2020-06-02 9:48 AM
I'm having a bit more success with this. I think it may have been a combination of things. One of which being the cable. I'll post a more thorough response when I have it nailed down, currently talking with an ST employee to troubleshoot.
2020-07-05 11:13 PM
Further update: Worked with an ST employee.
He helped me with utilizing a method to bypass the "motherboard" that came with the tile as it was giving me an auto baudrate error.
I directly connected the CN4 pins (1-5 I believe) to an adapter for the blue tile. The blue tile was then able to show up in the BlueNRG-1 ST-Link Utility, and would also show successful flashing of the demo file. Unfortunately, the tile never went into advertising mode (blue LED). It only stayed in flashing mode (green LED).
We came to a conclusion that there may have been something wrong with the HW, probably from my amateur fiddling. To confirm this possibility, we tried flashing it with the OTA reset manager file which contains the bootloader. Still didn't work.