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No DNS options in LWIP->Key Oprions in IDE and MX

Rad Rad
Associate II

I am writing this in IDE section as I am using STM32CUBEIDE ver 1.13.1. In my project I wanted to connect to remote host (dynamic IP) by name. However with DHCP disabled (using static IP) and LWIP DNS enabled, there is no option to input DNS options (sucha as servers). Please correct/ add this features.

ST Employee

Hello @Rad Rad 

First let me thank you for posting.

In order to use the DNS options, you need to check "show advanced Parameters. "




Rad Rad
Associate II

Thanks for answering.

Good to know, however description area says only:

Note: For more options on DNS, please check in:
- "Key Options" tab within "DNS" and "Internal Memory Pool Sizes" Options

this note should be updated with the info that advanced options should be selected.


Another point is that there is no lines to input IP of DNS addresses manually (as one can do for a static IP/mask/gate). That also would be very helpful. Please consider for the next update of IDE and thank you in advance.