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Major Bug when erasing a projet

Senior II

how to reproduce:

Create a new projet with a "namePrj" and "directory". The normal way should be to have a directory "directory"/"namePrj", and in this directory, all the project files (like with STM32CubeMX). But the files a created in the "directory".

If you what to change that, and try to erase the projet, it will erase ALL the content in the "namePrj" directory. Not only the project file, but ALL THE CONTENT!!!!

Sorry but, WTF???!!!!

Could you:

- Make MX and IDE have the same way to work when creating a Projet



ST Employee

Hello @ANauz.1 

First we are sorry for this inconvenience.

In order to be able to help, could you provide more details:

  • This issue occur when the project is created with STM32CubeMX as standalone or with STM32CubeIDE?
  • How did you proceed when the project was deleted?
  • A step by step description for the scenario would be extremely helpful

I will be waiting for your feedback as it is very important to improve the user experience with ST tools.


To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.


Lets say you have a directory:


When using STM32CubeMX, when creating a project, if you select "C:/AllMyProject" as the directory, and MyNewPrj as the name, il will create a new directory "C:/AllMyProject/MyNewPrj" that will contain all files. This is the normal behavior.


When using STM32CubeIDE (version 1.14.0):

  1. File--> New-->STM32 CMake Project
  2. Project from CMake template
  3. Project Name "MyOtherNewPrj", Location "C:/AllMyProject"
  4. Then select MCU and "Finish"
    1. Problem, all generated files will not be generated in "C:/AllMyProject/MyOtherNewPrj" like would MX, but directly at the root of "C:/AllMyProject/"
  5. As I do not want that because it is a mess and not logical at all (thank you ST Dev!), I "right-click" on "MyOtherNewPrj" in Project Explorer and "Delete with Delete content"
    1. It will completely delete "C:/AllMyProject/"

Deleting "CONTENT", is not deleting CONTAINER. Deleting a projet should delete... the project. No other file!!!






... it is very important to improve the user experience with ST tools.

Oh, yes, we know that very well. That's why you "improved" the "enjoyable cohesive experience"!

It happens frequently and this is terrible for user experience because absolutely no confirmation is asked for before doing the irreversible thing !! Many other users like you have lost hours, days, weeks of hard work with a single click.

Again, I can share my personal thoughts and recommendations :

It would be a good idea from ST managers to hire a few people for UX testing and global quality insurance of their SW tools because it seems they don't care a lot, and that is full-time job when performed correctly...

They already have a whole team of people. They sit there, do almost nothing, do not understand anything beyond trivial things, but they tick all the boxes for the managers, who also do not understand the software in general. On top of that the leftist socialist politics does not allow firing them, because that would count as a "racism", "inequality" and all the other neo-Marxist buzzwords. And now they also desperately censor the criticism of all this...

Senior II

Hello @Semer CHERNI 

As you request, I think that I took the time to make a quite detailed feedback about the issue.

The minimum would be that you acknowledge my response.

I am not even asking for a sorry nor a "we will correct it in future version" that in fact I could legitimately wait for!

You are supposed to be the professional ST support team!

Senior II



Pavel A.
Evangelist III

@ANauz.1 With all respect and sympathy, IMHO this was an important bit of experience with Eclipse and software in general. When you delete a project in Eclipse, it won't immediately nuke it! It will show a dialog like this:


A savvy user will think twice before checking in the "delete contents on disk' box... then leave it unchecked. Then  manually view & delete the files in explorer.  Reckless or curious folks will get what they deserve.

Also, talking about being professional - how about backups or version control for your valuable stuff? And er... manners?


Also, your scenario is not quite correct. With CubeIDE you create a CMake project. While CubeMX v. 6.10 (latest) cannot create CMake, it creates other types of projects (Eclipse, IAR etc. or plain makefile). These types of projects have different directory layouts. 


/* EDIT */

Back to deleting a project: the preview dialog indeed is useless - it should list the items to be deleted. At least say "everything in that dir". The upstream eclipse should deal with this.

Senior II

With all respect and sympathy,

Who said I do not backup neither version control my work?

"Reckless or curious folks will get what they deserve". What they deserve is that "deleting project", should delete project. No other stuff. They could write "delete all in the directory containing the project"

About the manners, I'm just calling for an answer. I was asking to gave details. So I took time to reproduce the problem and to take note about all the steps to describe it. And, no news since... Good manners would be to answer me.