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LoRa E5 Mini interfacing with Waveshare 4.2inch e-paper display


Hii, I have a LoRa E5 mini module based on STM32 and I have also managed to work lorawan program successfully. Also I have interfaced a 4.2inch e-paper display by waveshare into the e5mini module and it works successfully with without LoRaWAN(Subghz). The issue is both codes are independently working fine but not working together. The display is communicating vai SPI protocol. I have tried with the SPI1 and SPI2 also. I am using STM32Cube IDE for programming.

Anyone could help me out to solve the issue? Is it because LoRaWan and SPI cannot work together due to some clock issues?


>>Is it because LoRaWan and SPI cannot work together due to some clock issues?

I doubt it. Do the basic checking of RCC, GPIO and SPI configuration, ensure the clocks are properly enabled, pins and peripheral configured properly. Send some patterns via SPI, check signals with a scope or logic analyzer. Determine at what point things are amiss.

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