2023-03-09 12:24 PM
2024-07-21 1:23 AM
Found it! My own question made me check my Java version and I was running an older version of the JDK (because I have to maintain some JavaFX software). Installed OpenJDK 21.0.3 and the .ioc problem has gone away. For anyone else who needs to swap between versions run: sudo update-alternatives --config java in your terminal and select whichever Java version you need. Bit of a pain, but so be it.
2024-07-21 12:40 AM
Yes I am aware of this - thank you. In fact I reported the different behaviour when clicking the icon vs the filename quite some time ago. But one can also right click and select 'open'. That too does not work.
I have just started MX again and tried to open the ioc by double clicking the icon. Attached is the result after waiting about 15 minutes (no indication of anything happening and zero % CPU usage). No other activity on the system (other than standard Linux OS tasks).
Is this a Java or Java version problem?
Interestingly opening a second instance of the IDE and trying the ioc gets me blank screen with lots of .jar downloads (as happens most of the time). After some time an MCU image appears and that's it. Nothing in the render works, no pins, no system view. It just hangs. The file explorer still works and I can open non-ioc files as per normal. Going back to the ioc (clicking the filename at the top) results in a blank screen with no indication of downloads or any other activity.
2024-07-21 12:49 AM
And now... after 20 minutes the MCU image reappears and the menu on the left also appears, but nothing can be clicked yet. I'll stop typing and observe....
... I gave up and closed the ioc. Tried to open it again and absolutely nothing (as if the mouse clicks and the 'open' command have been ignored. The IDE is now totally dead. So... kill the process with system monitor and start again. Some workflow!
2024-07-21 1:23 AM
Found it! My own question made me check my Java version and I was running an older version of the JDK (because I have to maintain some JavaFX software). Installed OpenJDK 21.0.3 and the .ioc problem has gone away. For anyone else who needs to swap between versions run: sudo update-alternatives --config java in your terminal and select whichever Java version you need. Bit of a pain, but so be it.