2023-09-20 9:42 AM
Bought the Arm Education Media book "DSP using Arm Cortex-M based Microcontrollers" along with the SMP32F407G-DISC1 board and the LTEK audio board. Got the LTEK audio loop thru example working under Keil.
Now trying to get this project working under STMCube IDE because some of the files required by Keil projects seem to require implicit knowledge of their location (for example: the accelerometer related file lis3dsh.c is to be found at "...\Arm\Pack\Keil\STM32F4xx_DFP\DFP_version\Drivers\BSP\Components\lis3dsh" ) - which I don't have. STM32Cube seems to offer an easier graphical project set up route. So using STMCube IDE, I created a project for the target board. And, following the advice given by an STM employee started to manually move code over from the Keil sources to the new STMCube project. Had to move some header files around to avoid build errors but now need to know where to locate the Keil audio.lib file to get the AudioInit() call recognised correctly (reported as an undefined reference). I've tried various locations with no luck whatsoever.
Any ideas how this can be accomplished ?