2019-09-03 12:44 AM
When importing my old project from True Studio to Cube IDE I get the dialog where I need to specify the processor in use (see picture).
From this dialog I can not move on, no matter what i choose, one of them, all of them or none of them, or in different combination: when I click ok, the same dialog pops up again. When I click cancel, i pops back up and when I try to close it it comes back up. A have to shut Cube IDE down with task manager.
I have tried reinstalling the application and restarting computer.
Any Ideas?
BR Mikael
2019-09-12 2:08 AM
Did you find any solution to this?
Any chance you could send me the project so I could give it a try?
2019-10-04 1:04 PM
I had the same issue when I tried import a project with the MCU STM32L433CCT6. I can't find any solution. Any idea?
2020-03-19 3:43 AM
Still no one can help with this issue?
2020-03-19 3:44 AM
Sorry this rpoject contains our entire code base, cannot share
2020-03-21 1:45 PM
Got a try with TrueStudio 9.3.0 for STM32 creating a project targeting STM32L433CC device.
Import within STM32CubeIDE works fine for me.
As shared I'm getting too a dialog asking me to select my device to be mapped to STM32L433CC original one. Selecting one is allowing the process to complete successfully.
Please notice I've to specify twice my device mapping because I guess I've x2 build configurations within my original project (Debug and Release).