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Issue when clone the project in STM32CubeIDE

Associate II

Dear Sirs,

I copy and pasted to clone the project in project explorer window of STM32CubeIDE.

And some cases "Src" folder is automatically deleted from original project folder.😅

Does anyone faced similar issue ? and how can I clone the project safely in STM32CubeIDE ??

Best regards,

K. Kaneko

Associate III

Here's what I started doing: If I want to clone something from Project_01 folder, I just make a copy of the entire folder (in Windows, not in CubeMXIDE) and name it Project_02. All the project files within the folders will have identical names, so this might not work for everyone. Works great for me though. I just let the top folder describe the project.


I still have the same problems with copy a project in CubeIDE 1.6.0. This is simple primary task of CubeIDE. But it couldn't be done.

Cartu38 OpenDev
Lead II

According to me issue has been found by @abbb.1​ see : �?CubeIDE】Why delete my Src folder ?Why haven't you fix it for so long? (

Trouble is .mxproject file.

Copy/paste from post shared above my proposal about how to clone :

Good finding ! Would help @STM_support.

Then I guess .mxproject is not useless .... Such is Device Configuration tool metadata. Removing them may leading to extra pain ... especialy if asking at a point to perform some project update if revisiting some IP setting or ... Such .metadata are kind of memory of project life history ... loosing it may have drawbacks.

Instead remove it maybe better to keep it but to rework it. I.e. doing project clone let's patch such file especialy updating absolute path ...


Myself always careful about hacking / removing metadata ... such are never useless and as end users we are not aware of they are serving product behavior ...


Another way to do being safer I guess is:

1) you're intending to clone your project so called "myProject1"

2) copy (Thanks favorite explorer or ...) your current project to "myProject1_temp"

3) Thanks IDE rename "myProject1" to "myProject2" .... please notice here project renaming is propagated to .ioc file name and content AND .mxproject file content

4) Back to your favorite explorer rename "myProject1" to "myProject2"

5) Back to your favorite explorer rename "myProject1_temp" to "myProject1"

6) Within IDE refresh project explorer (F5 key) and import "myProject1"


I may agree all such is not so user friendly but fact based neither Eclipse vanilla nor STM32CubeiDE promote project clone feature ...