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Issue when clone the project in STM32CubeIDE

Associate II

Dear Sirs,

I copy and pasted to clone the project in project explorer window of STM32CubeIDE.

And some cases "Src" folder is automatically deleted from original project folder.��

Does anyone faced similar issue ? and how can I clone the project safely in STM32CubeIDE ??

Best regards,

K. Kaneko

Hvan .2
Associate III

Hi I have seen the same issues. When I cloned a project like you did I got the following problems:

1) the cubemx file still had the name of the project i copied from. After I changed the project name to the new name this error was solved.

2) after saving new peripheral settings in CubeMX I lost the FATFS and Src folder of my project. I could work around by copying the folders

back from the new project that I created.

ST needs to look into this because there is something really going wrong here!


P.S. would also be nice to see a response from ST here. KKane posted over 2 months ago.......

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Not a ST problem, rather a common behavior of Eclipse CDT. Google for 'clone a project in Eclipse'.

-- pa

Hvan .2
Associate III

Thanks for the answer Pavel! I did your google search but cannot find any reports of problems.

Do you know where I can find more info (preferably with a solution) ?


If Google comes empty, then Stack Overflow.

The simplest recipe is just copy the directory, edit the .project file manually and delete all generated crap. Import, refresh, clean. Always works for me.

-- pa

Associate II

​Thanks for your comment.

I have never seen such issue in True Studio and only happen in STM32CubeIDE, so something wrong in CubeIDE independent from Eclipse CDT.

By the way, about the "edit the .project file manually and delete all" which part did you edit .project file in detail and also which files did you delete manually ??

Best Regards,


Hvan .2
Associate III

@Pavel A.​  Like Kazu I am also interested how you do your copy of projects. Would you care to write this down in a reply? The fact that projects cannot be copied is a major hassle as it now takes a lot more time to create a copy manually...

A question related to this problem: my copied project still links to the startup .s file of the parent project. Where can I tell the IDE to use the .s startup file of the copied project? I looked everywhere around the project settings but cannot find this... Any help is much appreciated.

@ST: are you guys looking at this post? This is MAJOR bug in your IDE. The fact that the IDE destroys the parent source files is insane!

Cartu38 OpenDev
Lead II

Maybe see ​

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

> Would you care to write this down in a reply? The fact that projects cannot be copied is a major hassle as it now takes a lot more time to create a copy manually...

With pleasure. IMHO manual copy does not take lot of time, works always, does not rely on obscure functionality of Eclipse.

It's literally as I wrote above:

  1. Copy the whole project directory (and rename as you like)
  2.  Edit the .project file in your favorite editor. Change only the project name, so that it won't conflict with original project in the same Eclipse workspace. This is not necessary if you import it into other workspace.
  3. Import the copy into Eclipse (same version that created the project! For conversions, use other procedure): Import... Existing projects into workspace.
  4. Refresh, clean.

> my copied project still links to the startup .s file of the parent project. 

This can be because in the original project this file is a linked resource.

Many Cube examples for SW4STM are such, if the project was converted from these examples, it can inherit this structure.

Open properties of the project and check the Resource category. All linked files will be visible there,

Or there can be real symbolic links (Linux/Mac) , then YMMV.

-- pa

Hvan .2
Associate III

Thanks a lot for your writedown Pavel! Your solution is simple and works perfectly! You saved me a lot of time and stress! :-)

Cartu I looked at your suggestion but what is described in that forum thread was not my problem. Thanks for helping out!