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IDE hangs on start - new symptom of sickness ?

Chief II

This is new "option" on splash screen:


!! on top: please close ioc editor --- on startup !!! Nothing is open !!

-> Apply and Close --> nothing happens , just (static) splash screen.

Is V1.13.1 .

Only killing the java process removes the splash screen, but doesn't help , next start of IDE hangs again:


Very annoying .

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When something goes wrong with STM32CubeIDE at startup, it is generally good to delete ~/STM32CubeIDE/workspace_xxx/.metadata/.plugins  then retry and cross fingers.

Thx Oskar - i know. It happens now about 14 times the last 12 months .

Just : delete > .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.e4.workbench/workbench.xmi < , then it might (!) start again.

And i have some backups (copies) of this workbench.xmi , copy/rename to workbench.xmi and its starting again. But this is NO solution , this is just some last chance to avoid to delete the sick freak .

I cannot imagine, its so big problem to find out , whats going wrong (for the great software freaks at STM ) , if they had any interest to do it. 

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