2020-10-14 12:06 AM
I am having a problem with the code editor. Under Windows 10 (French), I cannot add the ~ character in C or C ++ code. My only solution is to copy paste this symbol which is displayed in all the other code editors (VS, VSC, ...). I am using cubemxide version 1.4.2 and I have the same problem with version 1.3.0
I have not the problem with a last version of eclipse ide cdt
thank you in advance for your help.
2020-10-14 1:40 AM
I'm not certain about the French keyboard layout (I'm using a Swedish one) but my guess would be that the input for ~ might already be bound to something else. If you look at Window -> Preferences -> General -> Keys is the input already used?
2020-10-14 1:58 AM
Thank you for this suggestion but it is not. Besides, I just noticed that it is impossible for me to create a binding with this key. When I press the "altgr" key, ALT + CTRL is displayed in the textbox but pressing ~ does not display anything.
2020-10-14 2:15 AM
i just installed eclipse cdt 2020-09 (4.17.0) and have no problem. the ~ character is displayed correctly. I don't see what is different between cdt eclipse and cubemxide eclipse