2022-10-26 4:05 AM
I downloaded the code and documentation to AN4061 but I can't compile it in STM32CubeIDE. The Project uses an STM32F051, CubeMX and HAL. The definitions and functions used in the code are not available in HAL and the HAL_FLASH or HAL_FLASHEx Drivers don't seem to support the functionality of AN4061. Meaning there are no functions to delete or write a Page, just the Option Bytes. What am I missing? Is there a possibility to add another flash driver to the project? There doesn't seem to be anything in the available software packages.
Many Greetings!
2022-10-28 10:19 AM
Yeah, OK, HAL Documentation for FLASH su cks. I now switched to searching in the header files and other online resources. I also discarded the idea that I need EEPROM emulation. There are only few settings to save and even with the limited write operations available on FLASH it will last for more than a livetime.