2021-11-15 8:26 PM
Hi Sir
I'm a beginner of STM32. I get a STM32F429-Discovery and try to use STM32CubeIDE to start my journey. But I have a problem to import the example. I follow other people's question and import the example by "Projects from Folder or Archive. But in the Run configurations page I still can't start the running because "Unsupported build configuration. MCU ARM GCC required for debug". Do you know how to make it work?
I guess your examples are programmed by other IDE tool. It is hard to get the GPIO setting for new people. Do you have real STM32CubeIDE example database. I try to enable LTDC feature. Even I copy the code from example but i still don't know how to setup .ioc file.
If you can give me a favor it will help me a lot.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-11-16 11:08 PM
Thanks for your help. in the beginning it follow your step to get the example. It can't work and tool say " fail copy to the file". After I download a new STM32Cube_FW_F4 it work.
Thank you.
2021-11-16 5:36 AM
To load an example, use the Example Selector.
File -> New -> STM32 Project -> Example Selector -> select your example -> Next -> Finish
2021-11-16 11:08 PM
Thanks for your help. in the beginning it follow your step to get the example. It can't work and tool say " fail copy to the file". After I download a new STM32Cube_FW_F4 it work.
Thank you.