2023-01-29 12:47 PM
I always used perl script, maybe I need to somehow use makefsdata.c?
I just don't know how to launch makefsdata.c?
I have Debian 11
CubeIDE v.1.11.2
PS - I hope it is automatically to generate to me a headers in my .shtml files!?!
2023-02-03 8:29 AM
Hello@ DK.7,
Thank you for posting your question !
Maybe those two links above could help you please consult it .
If that will not solve your issue and you still blocked ,please, don't hesitate to come back to me :) .
Best regards,
2023-02-11 7:26 AM
Thank you for the answer and your links!
For windows, "Makefsdata.exe" is generated like this
gcc -I..\lrndis\lwip-1.4.1\apps\httpserver_raw -I..\lrndis\lwip-1.4.1\src\include -I..\lrndis\lwip-1.4.1\src\include\ipv4 ./makefsdata.c -o htmlgen.exe
And if I right understand, it is for version 1.4.1
How to do it is for Linux and for the current version of LWIP?