2020-05-28 7:53 AM
Hi, I try to install the STM32CubeExpansion_CELLULAR_V5.1.0 in STM32CubeIDE 1.3.0.
What I tried: In Cube IDE I went to "Help"->"Manage embedded software packages" and choose "From Local...". Then I select the "en.x-cube-cellular.zip" File, which I did download from "https://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/products/embedded-software/mcu-mpu-embedded-software/stm32-embedded-software/stm32cube-expansion-packages/x-cube-cellular.html"
I get the ERROR: "Invalid zip file or missing expected Pdsc file within pack root directory".
Next questions: When I try to copy a bin file from STM32CubeExpansion_CELLULAR_V5.1.0\Projects\STM32L496G_Discovery\Demonstrations\Cellular\Binaries\
in the USB-Drive folder of the ST-LINK of my board "P-L496G-CELL02" as described in I get the error: Not enough memory
I already enabled the embedded SIM card on the STMOD+ BG96 board and made an update of the BG96 modem firmware to the latest version
But still I didnt succeed in running any demo.
Need some support here.
Thanks a lot, Patrick
Solved! Go to Solution.
2020-05-28 8:33 AM
STM32CubeExpansion_CELLULAR_V5.1.0 is not a CMSIS pack and not installable through CubeMX's "Manage embedded software package" menu.
Just unzip en.x-cube-cellular.zip in a directory (not too in-depth in the directories hierarchy).
In CubeIDE Project explorer use right-click menu "import.. / existing project into workspace" and browse to the folder which contains the CubeIDE project files .project and .cproject.
2020-05-28 8:33 AM
STM32CubeExpansion_CELLULAR_V5.1.0 is not a CMSIS pack and not installable through CubeMX's "Manage embedded software package" menu.
Just unzip en.x-cube-cellular.zip in a directory (not too in-depth in the directories hierarchy).
In CubeIDE Project explorer use right-click menu "import.. / existing project into workspace" and browse to the folder which contains the CubeIDE project files .project and .cproject.
2020-05-28 8:38 AM
Thanks a lot for your quick and helpful response. This is what I did now. I am just compiling the project. I expect, that I will have more questions on the way to our new ST IoT product ;-). Best regards, Patrick