2020-07-20 01:56 AM
HI all,
We would like to mirror theSTM32CubeIDE update repository to comply with our IT policies. We use Artifactory and have successfully mirrored lots of p2 repositories inside the organisation.
However, for the CubeIDE update site, this doesn't seem to work. We get an 404 error on the repository URL:
404 Not Found
Is there a way to mirror this repository? Thank you very much in advance for any help!
2020-07-20 02:07 AM
Hello Bas,
The STM32CubeIDE p2 repository can be mirrored like any standard Eclipse p2 repository, regardless the fact that the url can't be browsed.
At least the command below works fine for me:
eclipse -noSplash -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.artifact.repository.mirrorApplication -source http://sw-center.st.com/stm32cubeide/updatesite1 -destination <LOCAL_DEST>
2020-07-20 03:55 AM
Hi Julien,
Thanks for the quick response! I'll pass it on to our IT department.
2020-07-21 01:59 AM
Hi Julien,
Got feedback from IT. We now got the repository mirrored. Not sure why it didn't work out the first time.
However, there is a link to a child at http://sw-center.st.com/stm32cubeide/eclipse in the http://sw-center.st.com/stm32cubeide/updatesite1/compositeArtifacts.xml file. So we need to mirror http://sw-center.st.com/stm32cubeide/eclipse as well. I hope the link to that child will not cause issues as the clients cannot access that link directly.
I think it would have been better if ST had installed 2 software sites in STM32CubeIDE (one to http://sw-center.st.com/stm32cubeide/updatesite1 and one to http://sw-center.st.com/stm32cubeide/eclipse). That would make life easier for people behind a corporate firewall.
Any thoughts?
2020-07-21 07:12 AM
I far as I can tell the mirroring operation from Eclipse application follows all the childs.
You should have strictly the same content that what is available behind http://sw-center.st.com/stm32cubeide/updatesite1. At least in term of artifacts and install units.
But for sure the folder structure will not be the same than on ST site.
The only thing I had to do to make the check was to had 2 options to the mirror applications:
-ignoreErrors : "to ensure the mirror application does not fail in the event of an error. Note: while using this argument the mirror application may complete without errors but the destination repository may not include all artifacts from the source repository."
If I don't add this option the mirroring fails for a reason we need to understand/fix.
-raw : "to copy the exact artifact descriptors from source into the destination instead of initializing new artifact descriptors with properties from the source descriptors."
Not 100% certain this one is mandatory.
For the full story, having http://sw-center.st.com/stm32cubeide/eclipse secures in some way STM32CubeIDE dependencies related to Eclipse platform. It makes sure that updates will always work regardless how Eclipse manage their repositories.
It is mainly put as a child of the repository to have a self dependent URL able -normally- to work within Eclipse vanilla installations.