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How to add unit tests (google test) to test my software for the STM32? I am unable to find/setup a 32bit toolchain.


I just started an STM32 project and am new to STM32CubeIDE, I want to add a build configuration that will run my unit tests.

I'm using google test, and following this guide I got it working with cygwin64 (so not 32 bit).

But cygwin32 is deprecated, so how can I unit test my logic for the STM32, on my 64x Windows system?

Hope anyone can tell me their approach, and how to get it to work. Thanks.


which stm32 are you using?

its pretty commn around here, for people comming from high abstraction level OS/web developing frameworks to try and fail to code in object oriented for OSless stm32 (they end up painfully wrapping C based HAL in cpp classes).

I bookmark your question, because i want to know the usefullness of unit test in embedded firmware without a mcu simulator , i want to hear everyone else's saying about it

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Pavel A.
Evangelist III

@Javier Muñoz​ I'm using the STM32F446RE, but that shouldn't be relevant to the setup of 32 bit unit testing.

My two cents about the usefulness of testing without mcu simulator: I use it to test the 'higher level' functions of my firmware. That way I am confident those functions are solid. this also helps to implement a good HAL.

@Pavel A.​ Interesting read, but It does not answer my problem:

I don't know how I can setup 32 bit unit tests, integrated in STM32CubeIDE/Eclipse.

I don't want to use docker (imo overkill for this), I prefer cygwin, but cygwin32 is no longer maintained, so what is a recommended way to do this in STM32CubeIDE?

>>but that shouldn't be relevant to the setup of 32 bit unit testing

Well... you could fit linux in some stm32, that unit testing would be very different.

>> I use it to test the 'higher level' functions of my firmware. That way I am confident those functions are solid. this also helps to implement a good HAL.


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Michael K
Senior III

Is your question asking how to set up the unit testing as a build configuration of an STM32 project? If so, I created a step by step guide to integrating GoogleTest directly into your STM32 projects.

Or is your question asking about how to set up a 32 bit compiler instead of a 64 bit compiler - perhaps because you want to unit test with the same bit-width as your 32 bit STM32? If so, ask yourself why this matters - what if you were developing for a 16 bit, or 8 bit target like the STM8? You wouldn't (and couldn't) compile your tests with a 16 or 8 bit compiler just to match the target. Especially you are testing "higher level" functions, the bit-width of the development PC shouldn't matter. Anywhere that, for example, an int must be guaranteed to be 32 bits wide should use the int_32t type anyway.

Unit tests are one of a number of testing stages that are recommended during embedded development. Other tests for architecture-specific bugs can be done separately. For example, in James Grenning's book Test Driven Development for Embedded C he describes a situation where the function strstr() passed unit tests on the PC but failed on the target, because the target's standard library had a bug in that function's implementation!

Embedded UI/UX Consulting:

Hi Michael,I tried using your method but am stuck at the moment when it comes to using files/including them from my main STM project to the test files. So I have been able to set up the test and common folder in my stm project's project explorer along with setting up a donor project.I now look forward to writing test cases in the test folder however for that I would need to include files from other folders in my stm project so that I could test the functions inside them.How do I integrate my main stm project for testing ?

@Michael K​ Yes, the compiler on the build machine does matter. Even if you use standard fixed width types (e.g. `uint32_t`) in your embedded code, when you compile this with 64-bit tools for unit testing on your build machine the pointer types will be a different size. So, any casting between pointer and integer types in your code will spew out a bunch of warnings/errors when compiling for an x64 machine.

Associate II

@cr.1​ You can get a 32-bit version of gcc from MinGW-64. The toolchain bundles have `i386` in the name instead of `x86_64`

If you use the tutorial posted by @Michael K​ above (using MinGW-64 inside MSYS2), you can use `pacman` to get the right compiler:

> `pacman -S mingw-w64-i386-toolchain`

Getting the right Windows gcc binaries cleared up most of my issues. However, I did have trouble finding `strlcpy()` (and `strlcat()`) which are not included in the Windows libraries. [The ARM gcc libraries have these built-in]. In the end I just mocked them along with the other unit-test mocks required.

@JFieb You are correct that the pointer sizes are different between architectures. In fact, I ran into that very issue when I moved a project's test environment from 32-bit MinGW to 64-bit. To solve this, anywhere I was casting an integer to a pointer I converted the integer from uint32_t into uintptr_t, which automatically adjusts the integer size to match the target architecture's pointer size.
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