2019-09-19 11:35 PM
I have a STM32G474 Discovery board and want to run some of the examples from the G4 Firmware library. I know how to create a new project, but can't see how to open the example projects. The User Manual for stm32cubeg4 says I can open the workspace from the example files supplied, but there aren't CubeIDE workspaces, and the instructions I have are for opening with the standalone STM32CubeMX to create an IDE project. Do I need to install the standalone CubeMX?
2019-09-20 1:16 AM
CubeIDE File->Open Projects from File System
Directory and navigate for example to ..\STM32 Repository\STM32Cube_FW_G4_V1.1.0\Projects\NUCLEO-G474RE\Examples\DAC\DAC_SignalsGeneration2\SW4STM32\DAC_SignalsGeneration2
Select Folder
Click Finish and the SW4STM32 Embedded Workbench project is converted.
If all is ok you should be able to build.
Hope it helps
2019-09-20 3:35 PM
Thanks. I have a B-G474E-DPOW1 discovery board not a nucleo, but I found that when I used the "File->Open Projects from File System" and navigated to the examples directory STM32Cube_FW_G4_V1.1.0/Projects/B-G474E-DPOW1/Examples/ADC/ADC_GainCompensation/ then the "Finish" button was activated. It was a little confusing because the folder checkbox was greyed out, so seemed as it it didn't find it, but it was actually OK. When you open with CubeMX you select the .ioc file, but with CubeIDE you just select the directory when opening the project, then open the .ioc from the IDE project explorer pane. The B-G474E-DPOW1 doesn't have projects for the IDEs SW4STM32, MDK-ARM, just EWARM, but no need to open SW4STM32 since the top level directory with the .ioc is OK.