2020-05-04 7:31 AM
For Reference I have used IAR for 10+ years, now migrating to STM32CubeIDE for all future development. For clarity, my issue described below has nothing to do with transitioning from 1 platform to another.
My issue is if I copy project A to project B, (with cut/paste option in STM32CubeIDE) I then have two MIRRORED copies of this project. Now if I make changes for testing purposes, etc on project B, all of these changes are in also reflected in project A !! What I really want are different versions, wherein I can test changes while maintaining a "base-set" of code as project A.
Additionally when copying/pasting to create project B the included files (*.h), are not included in project B, and I have not figured out a way to include them. (no pun intended)
Any assistance, even if it is referring to a manual that I missed reading would be greatly appreciated.
Thanx in advance for all comments and offers of assistance,
2020-05-04 11:49 AM
This was recently asked in this forum, please search.
Short summary: Cube IDE is Eclipse. Google for 'how to copy a project in Eclipse'. Take time to familiarize yourself with Eclipse CDT.
-- pa