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Files left over from code geneation in StmCubIde

Associate II

Hi everyone, Any of you experienced this strange behavour posted yesterday (see below)? It seems to happen to just one of my projects, and not all of the source files are affected (but still a substantial number of files). Any thoughts and experienceses about this is much welcome.

The problem:

When I regenerate code from the CubeIde it copies several of the current source files with a number appended to the end of the file name before generating a new one. For example "stm32f4xx_hal.c" is copied to "stm32f4xx_hal 2.c" and then a new "stm32f4xx_hal.c" is created.

I can understand that the CubeIde needs to make a copy of the current source files during the generation process in order to merge user code blocks into the generated files. However, I would expect the copied files to be deleted once generation is completed.

Is this behaviour deliberate, or are there some settings in the CubeIde to prevent this from happening ?

I use the CubeIde for Mac.