2022-03-23 9:14 PM
Hi everyone,
I started getting fatal error for the file which is in the project location. I have also added the path in the IDE.
I am attaching the screenshots which might be helpful for you to provide the solution.
Sorry for the rubbish image. Had to do it so for a reason.
2022-03-24 6:14 AM
Does the file exist? Where? Is that location included in your path?
Could also be an issue with spaces or non ascii characters in path.
2022-03-25 6:41 AM
Hi @TDK ,
Yes the file exist in the project folder.
I have included the path.
I am not using spaces, rather I am using underscores.
2022-03-28 2:16 AM
Do you have any non-ASCII characters in the paths? For example if the username contains non-ASCII characters? Can you access these paths outside of STM32CubeIDE context?
2022-04-07 2:00 AM
Hi @Markus GIRDLAND ,
The path contains only ASCII characters.
2022-04-08 3:16 AM
Hi @Markus GIRDLAND and @TDK ,
I found the solution to the problem.
The issue was in the include paths updated in the project properties were not reflected under folder hierarchy.
I used export option and that's all. It started working.
Anyways, thanks for helping me out.
2023-01-12 8:14 PM
hi, can i know how to include the path library? im facing same problem rn