2021-07-27 2:20 PM
Hi everyones,
I have a little (but big) problem with customized external loader.
The compiler report this error: " ERROR: Couldn't parse external memory loader"
Stm32 Cubeprogrammer instead, tell me everything is OK.
I tried to download a simple file inside my QSPI external memory and it works correctly.
I don't what's the problem in stm32 IDE.
Does someone has some hints or idea?
Second question:
Why I see only one custom loader on IDE instead of two, like on windows folder?
The result not change also after a reboot of the IDE?
I'm using the latest IDE version:
Thanks in advance
Best regards.
2021-07-27 2:33 PM
>>Stm32 Cubeprogrammer instead, tell me everything is OK.
Seems to be operating on Internal Memory
>>ERROR: Couldn't parse external memory loader
Seems to be a complaint about the form/structure of the ELF file, and the StorageInfo within.
2021-08-02 11:52 PM
Hi I have the same problem since updating to STM32Cube IDE 1.7.0. My external loader worked perfectly on 1.6.0. Any idea ??
If I downgrade back to 1.6.0 it works again.
Also, after installing STM32Cube IDE 1.7.0, there is no folder "STM32CubeIDE_1.7.0" in C:\ST.
My .stdlr files are still in C:\ST\STM32CubeIDE_1.6.0\STM32CubeIDE\plugins\com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.externaltools.cubeprogrammer.win32_1.6.0.202101291314\tools\bin\ExternalLoader but it seems that STM32Cube IDE 1.7.0 use the .stldr in that exact same folder
2021-08-06 1:48 AM
Could you activate the gdb server log in your debug configuration, try to launch and then send the log to me?
2022-02-09 12:50 AM
I have the same problem I upgraded from version 1.5 to 1.8. I have the same problem I upgraded from version 1.5 to 1.8. How can I fix it?
Here is the log:
[0.000] initConfigParams(): Configuration flags start
[0.000] initConfigParams(): external-init false
[0.000] initConfigParams(): pend-halt-timeout (null)
[0.000] initConfigParams(): halt false
[0.000] initConfigParams(): config-file ""
[0.000] initConfigParams(): persistent false
[0.000] initConfigParams(): +log-file "G:\projects\Tablet\src\Tablet_cerberus\Debug\st-link_gdbserver_log.txt"
[0.000] initConfigParams(): +log-level 31
[0.001] initConfigParams(): +port-number 61234
[0.002] initConfigParams(): +verbose true
[0.002] initConfigParams(): refresh-delay 15
[0.003] initConfigParams(): +verify true
[0.003] initConfigParams(): +swd true
[0.004] initConfigParams(): +swo-port 61235
[0.004] initConfigParams(): cpu-clock 8000000
[0.005] initConfigParams(): swo-clock-div 128
[0.005] initConfigParams(): +initialize-reset true
[0.005] initConfigParams(): debuggers false
[0.006] initConfigParams(): +serial-number "53FF6D065078485744440487"
[0.006] initConfigParams(): +apid 0
[0.007] initConfigParams(): attach false
[0.007] initConfigParams(): shared false
[0.008] initConfigParams(): erase-all false
[0.008] initConfigParams(): memory-map ""
[0.009] initConfigParams(): ext-memory-loaders false
[0.009] initConfigParams(): +extload "QSPI_flashloader_CSP.stldr"
[0.010] initConfigParams(): +stm32cubeprogrammer-path "C:\ST\STM32CubeIDE_1.5.0\STM32CubeIDE\plugins\com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.externaltools.cubeprogrammer.win32_2.0.100.202110141430\tools\bin"
[0.011] initConfigParams(): temp-path ""
[0.011] initConfigParams(): preserve-temps false
[0.012] initConfigParams(): frequency -1
[0.012] initConfigParams(): licenses false
[0.013] initConfigParams(): ignore-rest false
[0.013] initConfigParams(): version false
[0.014] initConfigParams(): help false
[0.014] initConfigParams(): Configuration flags end