2025-01-08 01:20 AM
Hello everyone.
For some reason, Code Generation Tool is not active in Customize Perspective Device Configuration. I couldn't find where to turn it on.
2025-01-08 03:22 AM
Hello @Iptash ,
First let me thank you for posting and welcome to the ST Community.
For more investigation, I suggest please that you provide a Screenshot of your problem.
2025-01-08 03:31 AM
This is what I mean.
2025-01-08 07:52 AM
Hello @Iptash ,
Further to your comment, I am using STM32CubeIDE 1.17, and I am able to activate the Device Configuration Toolbar under Toolbar Visibility.
2025-01-08 08:00 AM
In my Toolbar Visibility it is not active, it is gray as in the photo. And I can't tick the boxes.)
2025-01-08 08:33 PM