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#define example file on CubeIDE


Does someone could point out where can I find one CubeIDE file full of complex "#define" examples? When I use more sofisticated #define into Cube IDE I receive tons of "error" messages (I mean "error message" not warnings). But into other compilers these #defines shows as perfectly correct. Could one?

Chief II

> Have you ever wondered why does the compiler display several lines of text for each error, describing the nature of it, the exact line and character position in the code where it has happened, the macros and definitions involved, their location in included files?

Berendi, Pavel and me all have asked for error messages multiple times! You have written 5 posts and still haven't provided that information. Your problem is not on a Cortex-M side, but a cerebellar cortex. You have to enable that to be able to compile anything!