2020-08-17 7:40 PM
when I debug the stm32G474 with CubeIDE, the following errror always happen,
and the code can run normally on keil. I really don't kown what problem?
"Break at address "0x319b2d68" with no debug information available, or outside of program code."
2020-08-18 12:54 AM
It looks strange. I assume you do not have any code/data located at 0x319b2d68,
Is the linker script correct?
Do you use ST-LINK GDB server or OpenOCD for debugging?
Both these gdbservers are included in STM32CubeIDE and you can try the other one by selecting it in the Debug Configuration.
What is the gdbserver logging when you try to debug?
You can also try to remove all breakpoints, see Breakpoints view, before starting debugging.
Please also try to create a new empty project for STM32G474 and try to debug this. If it works then please compare the linker script between this empty project with your project.
The STM32CubeIDE User manual is also a good reference, it is available here: