2024-02-21 8:48 AM
Recently I was confronted with a problem with TouchGFC in combination with ThreadX.
I am developing a project with an STM32L4R7ZITx.
The display is a 480x272 LTDC display.
Everything was running smoothly until I changed the startup code for adding an IO or so (I don't really remember)
Then the display was not updated anymore. It appeared that memory for TouchGFX Thread is not declared anymore.
Attached files show the difference.
I found that it all boils down to the .ioc file where in the senence : "ProjectManager.functionlistsort" the item "MX_TouchGFX_Init-STMicroelectronics.X-CUBE-TOUCHGFX.4.23.0-false-HAL-false" was changed in :"MX_TouchGFX_Init-STMicroelectronics.X-CUBE-TOUCHGFX.4.23.0-true-HAL-false"
When I changed it back with an text editor the generated files were OK again. I could not find any difference in the report files, nor in the gui.
Could this be a bug? If not, I hope the have haled other developers.