2020-02-29 11:05 AM
I checked some solutions in this community, but mine is special, there are totally no convert log produced, not response, no popup, no error message, I followed https://www.st.com/content/ccc/resource/technical/document/user_manual/group1/ef/c8/90/3d/41/00/41/cd/DM00613834/files/DM00613834.pdf/jcr:content/translations/en.DM00613834.pdf
anybody know why? the attachments are screenshots, .cproject and .project are still here, no suffix changes found
2020-03-01 3:10 PM
I converted successfully with a different way than the guide. in the guide it mentions "After the first step is successful, start STM32CubeIDE and make sure to specify upon launch the correct workspace, which must contain the copy of the project being imported.", this is not correct, I have to put the copy of the atollic folder outside of the workspace, This is definitely a bug of this guide. Mostly we could not mess workspace with the project, it sounds very strange we have to put the import folder into the workspace! When we create projects in atollic, we never put projects into workspace, right?