2019-08-27 2:40 PM
Hey there,
Essentially, a co-worker created a project on his machine and I'm trying to run it on mine. I'm getting a ton of errors due to different file paths. Is there a convenient way to import his project to run on my machine or do I need to manually go through and change a ton of paths? My apologies if this has been asked before, I loved through this forum and through some true studio stuff but came up empty handed. Thanks
2019-08-27 3:34 PM
Don't install CubeIDE and CubeMX (repositories) under C:\User\XYZ but rather a globally visible path, ie C:\STM32 which you can duplicate across nodes, and different users.
Or use something like Keil where the Project/Workspace nonsense works properly and the project files are properly relative
2019-08-27 3:36 PM
Wow, I'm actually embarrassed that that didn't dawn on me. Thanks!
2019-08-27 6:09 PM
It's not your fault, the tools have been very poorly thought out and tested, and the installation process steers down the wrong path.
The Cube repositories are MASSIVE, having unique instances for each user doesn't make sense, plus they seem to copy local versions of the libraries into every project
I'd like to see an easier way to share repositories, so I don't need 100GB's of stuff to be downloaded/unpacked onto every workstation.