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Code Analysis for MISRA C standard on Cube IDE

Associate II


I'm trying to implement the MISRA C complaints into the code. In my research, I found that a code analysis tool like Cppcheck or PC-Lint must be integrated into our IDE. So, do you know how I can integrate these third-party tools into the Cube IDE? or are there any tools available for the Cube IDE to do the same?

I have seen that Cppcheck can be easily integrated into the Eclipse IDE, but I did the same and couldn't integrate that into the Cube IDE.

Any ideas related to this will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

ST Employee

Hello @Rahul.Santhosh 

First let me thank you for posting.

At the moment STM32CubeIDE doesn't support this functionality.

I will raise the issue internally for analysis and investigation.


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I think the word you're looking for is "compliance"

Consider using Keil or some other profession grade tool which supports Lint integration.

Presumably there are other tools which can use static analysis to generate a report regardless of tool chain.

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