2025-01-26 1:49 AM
Hello, i have a DapLink debugger and wanted to use it with stm32, i also am pretty new to stm32, so don't be mad when i mess up some terms. I don't want to buy an STLink yet since i wanna see if i am going to like stm32 debugging/programming. Some context:MCU:STM32H723ZGT6, debugger: DapLink Mini, OS:Ubuntu desktop 24.10.Also, yes i know that this board is overkill but i thought, go big or go home, if i am gonna try stm32 i better make it count.
2025-01-27 7:04 AM
True - but I wasn't talking about that.
Unless it's something that specifically needs to be a screenshot, it's generally better to copy & paste the text - with appropriate formatting, as required.
2025-01-27 7:12 AM
...dont know, what your editor shows at 191 --- no AP_NUM
i see:
btw i have no idea, what this means... (backup file , then edit ...maybe as sudo)
i would just try to remove the > if { $ ... < and the else also.
just remains there:
target create $_CHIPNAME.ap2 mem_ap -dap $_CHIPNAME.dap -ap-num 0
swo create $_CHIPNAME.swo -dap $_CHIPNAME.dap -ap-num 0 -baseaddr 0xE00E3000
tpiu create $_CHIPNAME.tpiu -dap $_CHIPNAME.dap -ap-num 0 -baseaddr 0xE00F5000
and see, what happens.
2025-01-27 7:16 AM
oh, i was viewing openocd files instead of the ide ones
2025-01-27 7:27 AM
after patching out the AP_NUM
2025-01-27 7:56 AM
...dont know... i would try instead :
target create $_CHIPNAME.ap2 mem_ap -dap $_CHIPNAME.dap -ap-num 2
swo create $_CHIPNAME.swo -dap $_CHIPNAME.dap -ap-num 2 -baseaddr 0xE00E3000
tpiu create $_CHIPNAME.tpiu -dap $_CHIPNAME.dap -ap-num 2 -baseaddr 0xE00F5000