2020-02-22 11:52 AM
I would like to try the dark color theme in the IDE, but after activating the theme, some colors did not have a good contrast.
I tried to manually modify the colors.
And it was not possible to change the colors of most things.
I tried to modify all available checkboxes, but it didn't work.
I went back to the classic theme of colors, light colors and tried to modify the colors manually.
The colors could not be modified.
Does anyone know when this will be solved?
2020-02-23 12:47 AM
Probably a paid tool would provide higher expected quality and support?
I try to stick to the tool core functions used by the majority of users not to be a free QA tester.
When there will be a $$$ reward for bug reporting, the situation could change :D ,
2020-02-23 5:53 AM
I tried Eclipse and even the latest version (2019-12) has this same problem.
But I managed to customize the color.
Just install an additional theme.
In the 'Help' menu, go to 'Eclipse Marketplace...'
Search for: 'Darkest Dark Theme with DevStyle'
STM32CubeIDE default dark theme:
Custom Theme:
2020-02-24 5:49 PM
One of the most expensive tools out there - IAR - has awful support for dark themes. Some of the frames within the window are susceptible to changing colors but some aren't. Just sayin. On the other side of things I'm not a fan of Eclipse either. Some people can't be pleased (ducking, running)
2020-02-24 5:57 PM
Nice find. Did you have to do something to get the scroll bars dark? Mine are the original gray but yours looks fine
2020-02-24 8:59 PM
Hi, What IDE version are you using? This IDE from the image in the post above is version 1.2.0, (I'm downloading the new IDE 666 MB, version 1.3.0, for testing), I couldn't find this defect in the scroll bar. I don't know if there is any influence, but Windows is also dark in theme. Could you post a screenshot, please?
2021-02-18 12:28 PM