2023-05-04 3:23 PM
I am trying use the new STM32CubeCLT package with a Docker container, but it requires a manual acknowledgement of the license during install. This rather defeats the purpose of using this package with a Dockerfile and CI pipeline. Is there a way to programmatically acknowledge the license some other way such as through an environment variable?
2023-05-05 4:28 PM
Some distros IIRC have a driver (?) which allows injecting input events, such as keystrokes. This can foil any smart er, thing that requires 'genuine' keypress.
Don't know whether this works in containers.
2024-01-12 12:21 PM
Hello sir,
I needed to do it as well today so I created a Dockerfile with a patch to remove the prompts.
you can see the applied change in the patch file
2024-07-16 3:17 PM
Has ST come up with a better solution for this problem? CI/CD is a big deal in modern software engineering and making it difficult to automate tool installation into containers is a stumbling block for many of us.
2024-07-25 4:18 AM
According to the documentatuion one of the main objectives of this tool is the CI/CD, while making it interactive ...
In addition, the help option shows several options, but none of them seems to be really useful for solving this problem.
2024-07-25 5:22 AM
The solution I proposed work very well and is quite simple, if you need specific help on how to use it I can try to help. I am using the same solution for installing STM32Cube IDE in my CI/CD containers for many years.
2024-07-25 6:37 AM
Thank you very much frainville, I'm going to use it .