2021-05-27 11:58 AM
I am trying to overcome the limitation that M0 cores cant detect if they are running in a debugging session or not.
For an M3/M4, I would have written something like:
bool InDebugMode(void) {
bool ret_val = false;
if ( ((CoreDebug->DHCSR) & 1u) == 1u) {
ret_val = true;
return ret_val;
One way that seems to work is to this instead
First set up a global variable that may not op optimized and then check on that variable
static volatile uint32_t i_n_Debug_Mode = 0u;
bool InDebugMode(void) {
bool ret_val = false;
if (i_n_Debug_Mode == 0xDEADBEAFu) {
ret_val = true;
return ret_val;
Then, after the program has been flashed, I switch to the "Debugger console" tab and enter
set variable i_n_Debug_Mode = 0xDEADBEAF
And after that I hit run.
Now I get the desired result.
However it would be nice if I could automate this.
I have tried to enter this command in various places in the Run => Debug configurations of my ST-link GDB server configurations, but so far I have come up empty handed.
Does anyone have a solution to this or know of a better approach?
Best regards
2021-05-28 1:54 AM
Hi Martin,
From the Armv6-m:
Access to the DHCSR from software running on the processor is IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED.
I will check internally if we (ST) have differences between M0 and M3/M4 products with respect to accessing DHCSR.
A proposal to solve your issue would be as you said to let the debugger check this. You could do this by:
Since this variable in_Debug_Mode, is only written to by the debugger it could potentially be removed by optimization so let's place it at an explicit location and use the KEEP parameter in the linker script.
In the C-code you can do this:
__attribute__((section(".debug_mode"))) volatile bool in_Debug_Mode = 0;
In the linker script add the in italic
*(.RamFunc*) /* .RamFunc* sections */
In the debug configuration > Startup tab, do this:
tbreak main
set in_Debug_Mode=1
Let your own C code just check if ( 1 == in_Debug_Mode )
Next issue will be if you want to use "Restart" button when debugging. In such case the Run commands are not re-applied, which means Reset_Handler will re-initialize the data section and thereby the in_Debug_Mode to 0. This is not good for your use case.
What do you do about it? You rely on Restart configurations.
monitor reset
tbreak main
set in_Debug_Mode=1
I think this could solve the issues if you want to rely more on the debugger then embedded application logic.
2021-05-28 4:30 AM
Thanks for the quick reply.
Regarding access to DHCSR I can atleast say that it is not available for the stm32F072rb, that i am working on right now.
Looking at the correct reference manual (RM0091) it states that the debug access registers is accessed via the debug access port.
Also there are no defines in CMSIS for the CoreDebug block.
Then moving on to the gcc setup to modify the in_Debug_Mode variable, i get the "Run" part of it to work fine, but the restart i have more problems with
For anyone else finding this thread "Restart configurations" is found when you clock the dropdown besides the restart button.
However changing according to the described settings did not work. I also tried to change the default "Reset" one but that also did nothing.
Best regards