2019-07-13 2:03 PM
STM32CubeIDE v1.0.1 deletes all my project files when I'm generating code with the integrated CubeMx. This only happens when theres a wrong path set in settings under firmware update.
It then shows me the following error. When I then click on OK, I see all the files of the project disappear in project explorer.
This isn't a mayor problem as setting the path wrong only happens for me if I'm syncing it with another computer with Nextcloud and then generating code. But still this shouldn't happen.
2019-07-15 3:35 AM
Can you reproduce this on a single computer as well?
If I try to edit the path set in the firmware update settings then it doesn't allow me to choose a path that doesn't already exist and then click "Apply", it gets greyed out. So what happens in this sync that makes this happen?
Any step-by-step would be greatly appreciated, it helps in the ticket writing process because I agree, this definitely shouldn't happen.
2019-07-16 4:04 AM
No I couldn't reproduce it, but maybe this could happen when you change the firmware install path or edited the path manually in some sort of config file.
Also this could be a problem if you change or reinstall your computer, only copying the CubeIDE workspace.
To reproduce it, first copy your workspace to Dropbox or some other cloud service (I believe copying to a USB stick should work as well).
Then go to another computer with a different firmware path (I have the firmware on computer A at C:\Users\Julian\STM32Cube\Repository and on the other at C:\Users\Julia\STM32Cube\Repository due to windows install).
Then open CubeIDE and open a ProjectName.ioc, change something and generate new code. After hitting "generate code" you should see the above error popping up and afterwards files disappearing.
2019-07-16 4:14 AM
Thanks for the info. I'll try to reproduce it myself a bit later this week and if I can get it to pop the same error for me I'll be sure to write a ticket.