2019-07-15 11:24 PM
I am trying to manage a BLDC motor using the P-Nucleo-IHM001, so NucleoF302R8 and X-Nucleo-IHM01M1.
I would like to upload the firmware version with the example X-Cube-SPN8.
When I launch the building, it gives errors due to a different path, that actually does not exist in my computer.
2019-07-15 11:46 PM
Hi, save the cube for your mcu on your PC. In CubeIDE File->Open Projects From File System. Navigate to your project on open the SW4STM32 folder until you find .cproject. Select folder and click Finish. Follow the prompts and the project should be converted. Good luck and welcome to the world of Eclipse 🙂
2019-07-15 11:50 PM
Hi, thank you for your answer.
Actually, I already followed these steps, but the project imported has a wrong path, so it does not compile and build and debug. It is like there is nothing to build.
2019-07-16 12:55 AM
This kind of things can take many hours to fix. Did you check Properties->Environment. Have a look at the settings. C/C++ Path and Symbols->Source Location. Unfortunately, I don't have the same hardware. Maybe somebody else has come across the same problem.