2019-10-08 5:46 AM
I am debugging with STM32CubeIDE, and I have a problem in my program of something unrecognized writing in the memory space. To be more specific in the 0x20001FBC
Could it be possible to define a breakpoint in the debugger that shoots when this memory space is overwritten?
2019-10-08 6:45 AM
Gdb knows watchpoints. Watchpoints are fot the purpose. "watch *0x20001FBC" should do the job.
2019-10-08 7:02 AM
The MCU, yes. The Cortex M core supports data breakpoint, the number depends on the vendor (ST here).
The toolchain/debugger most know and support it as well, though. IAR WB definitely does, used it myself.
Usually, with a "breakpoint-> set Options" context menu.
Check the CubeIDE manuals/documentation.