2024-05-24 2:39 AM
I'm using an U535 and U585 MCU with SPI communication.
I think i encountered a bug in the ioc in STM32CubeIDE.
When i use a prescaler for the SPI bus, the baudrate displayed is 8 times upper than in the reality.
when looking on a oscilloscope for this config :
I obtain transmission at 1MHz :
Best regards.
2024-05-28 6:44 AM
Hello @josselin ,
Please share your ioc file to test and reproduce the scenario that generated this issue.
I need to make sure that you configure the SPI correctly to communicate between two boards.
This article Getting started with SPI - stm32mcu uses SPI examples to demonstrate how to use it.
2024-05-29 6:01 AM
I probably have a misinterpretation.
Could you please tell me if when we have an SPI at 8 Mbits/s in an ioc, that mean the frame will be send at a frequency of 8 MHz or only one bit is send a 8 MHz?
In datasheet, when specification define Max frequency for the SPI clock at 3 MHz, does that mean the frame is send at 3MHz or only one bit (and the frame at 24 Mhz) ?
I hope i'm clear in my question
Thanks per advance.
best regards
2024-05-29 6:09 AM
The clock/bit rate is given.