2024-06-01 10:53 AM
Hi, I have a project to finish where I have to use a bma456, which is a step counter sensor, on stm32CubeIde. But I can't seem to be able to do it, by running my own code or by using the code given on the git, I always seem to be stuck on the burst and the use of the initialisation file. The site is https://wiki.seeedstudio.com/Grove-Step_Counter-BMA456/
if anyone has already did a project on this type of sensor please help me, the deadline is coming at a rapid pace.
I have all the basic functions on STM32CubeIDE but everytime I implement something to work on this sensor, I end up stuck.
I just need to retrieve data, that's all
Please help me
2024-06-01 11:07 AM
>>.. the deadline is coming at a rapid pace.
Monday? https://www.fiverr.com/
Connected to What?
Connected How?
Show what you've coded so far.
2024-06-04 06:00 AM - edited 2024-06-04 06:02 AM
you know that you have to shift the adress? So you have to ask at adress 0x30 or 0x32.
Test I2c Adress
in : Adress to test
return 1= found 0= notfound
uint8_t i2c_found(uint8_t i2cAddr)
HAL_StatusTypeDef _hal;
I2C_HandleTypeDef* _i2c = &hi2c1;
return (_hal==HAL_OK);
Insert at I2C_HandleTypeDef* _i2c = &hi2c1; your i2c port
Do you get a "1" ?
So you are sure your sensor is talking to you.
2024-06-04 06:17 AM
So I have the code of the github, except that I replace the class by struct and the arduino code used to send data by a Hal_I2c_Write.
The problem that I stumble upon is I need to send an enormous amount of data ~ 1700 on a register 0x5E, 0X5C and 0X5B. The problem is that I'm stuck in the "for" that is sending the data. I never get to the line 793
2024-06-04 06:51 AM
Link to the GitHub repo that you're talking about, show your code additions..
This One?
How does it handle failure? ie not seeing NACK for slave access. You have to fail 1700 times? Or fail once to know it's not working?
ST expects the Slave address to be in the top 7-bits, usually requiring (slaveaddr << 1) vs Arduino
2024-06-04 07:25 AM
In the "bma4_defs
you have to set
/**\name I2C slave address */
#define BMA4_I2C_ADDR_PRIMARY UINT8_C(0x18)
#define BMA4_I2C_BMM150_ADDR UINT8_C(0x10)
/**\name I2C slave address */
#define BMA4_I2C_ADDR_PRIMARY UINT8_C(0x30)
#define BMA4_I2C_BMM150_ADDR UINT8_C(0x20)
Note arduino != STM HAL