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Adding an SPI port to an existing ST project

Associate II

Hi All,

I am new to the IDE Cube and I would like to know what is the most appropriate method to add an SPI to an existing Cube project ?

I am specially interested in the people counter firmware running on the Nano boards, to witch I am not able to add an SPI.

The device configuration tool does not open with the code provided by ST .

Adding the files manually, runs into a lot of problems.

Thank you in advance,


Principal III

Do you mean STSW-IMG010 software? Whcih comes with an NucleoF401RE_53L1_Expansion.ioc file? What exactly did you try and want to achieve?

Associate II

Yes, it is about STSW-IMG010 .

I need to send over the SPI1 the counting number. I just need to initialize the SPI1 but I'm not able yet to make it work.

I am new to Cube IDE and it seems that I am missing something....


Associate II

I get the ERROR:

C:/Users/RFLab/STM32CubeIDE/workspace_1.4.0/en.STSW-IMG010/Src/main.c:250: undefined reference to `HAL_SPI_Transmit'

I read on the web that it could be related to a "c" file that is missing or not in the correct path....

Please see attached the code:

Thank you,
