2022-01-06 3:01 AM
The debug using STM32CUBE IDE is working only for the first time after creation of a workspace.
To reproduce:
To be able to do the debug again:
Ps: STM32 programmer is always able to connect to the stm32 device
Any one saw a similar issue?
2022-01-11 8:25 AM
I tried to re-produce without success. Let me describe my process to double-check that I am doing the same thing you are...
I then tried to switch backward and foward between workspace1 and workspace2. Each time debug works on the example projects in both workspaces.
My setup:
Your detailed input about the setup is a good start, but we need to see error messages or log-files. What is meant by "debugging is no more working". Can you supply:
Maybe we can find a clue in one of these logs...
2022-01-12 1:02 AM
@mattias norlander Thank you for your response.
In fact, even if I enable the debug logs, I don't have any logs. The thing is that the debugger is not launched. Even the progress bar, in the bottom right of CubeIDE, is not seen.
It is like something is preventing the dgb server from being launched.
As far as you know, is there something could prevent gdbserver like Firewall or Antivirus in Windows?
I have a video about issue reproduction but I don't know how could I share it with you.
looking forward to your response, this point is blocking us.
2022-01-12 1:35 AM
Yes, a video recording would be great. Send me the file on e-mail (my e-mail in my user profile).
Or share it as a hidden video on Youtube or similar service...
Anti-virus / firewall can block the GDB client and/or server from running, but that would (in most cases) lead to some error message.
Please also post your workspace log $(WORKSPACE_DIR)\.metadata\.log
Easiest thing could be to:
Assuming you observed the same error you should now have a clean .log-file only showing errors related to this issue. Assuming it is logged. :)
Please post such log...
2022-01-19 1:08 AM
@mattias norlander Thank you for your response.
I will get back to you when issue is reproduced. And I will give you more details.
(For the moment I have a stable environment and don't want to unsettle it)