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The stm32cubeide v1.1.0 hasn't load image option on macos

Associate III

Hi supporter,

I use STM32Cube v1.10 on macos(Mojave) and linux(debian 9). The debug dialog has load mode option to choose production or engineering mode in stm32cubeide on linux system. But that dialog hasn't the load mode on macos.

Below picture is debug dialog on macos.

0690X00000BvtBbQAJ.pngDoes any thing I am missing to setup for stm32cubeide?


hello SChen

please provide the way to reproduce your statement "openocd can not reset core". on my side I've managed to enter into debug break point after completely power-down the DK2 board and restarting CubeIDE directly on macosx (on 10.14.5), i.e. no linux system/environment/IDE involved.