2024-12-31 5:44 AM
2024-12-31 7:48 AM
Tried to run the _stripped.elf signature externally in a command line using the delivered private RSA key in the .pem file, results in the same
which looks to me that maybe the python signature algorithm is not suitable to the one that the Linux firmware is expecting to get => again its the python scripts
Attached are the _stripped.elf , the .pem file and the output binary file (all in .zip)
the command line I run is exactly as in the post build
python sign_rproc_fw.py --in OpenAMP_TTY_echo_CM33_NonSecure_stripped.elf --out OpenAMP_TTY_echo_CM33_NonSecure_sign.bin --key ../keys/default.pem --plat-tlv BOOTADDR 0x80100000
where can I find documentation for the exact signature algorithm and working example for the attached file & key?