2019-10-16 11:15 AM
Using STM32CubeMX 5.4.0 with a project created and last modified successfully under 5.3.0 gives me:
java.lang.NullPointerException at com.st.microxplorer.codegenerator.McuDataModel.getIpRCCInfo(McuDataModel.java:933)
The RCC configuration has not changed since the project was last successfully exported under 5.3.0. This is blocking us from using 5.4.0 since not all of our projects have upgraded to OpenSTLinux MP 1.1.0 release yet, so we need to support the older projects until they're updated.
2019-10-17 7:02 AM
Hi @DColl.187
Thanks for your message and sorry for inconvenience.
Issue is confirmed at our end. We are investigating.
Will keep you posted on progress.
As matter of curiosity, if your need is just a maintenance/support of older project is there anything preventing to stick on CubeMX 5.3 ?
2019-10-17 7:13 AM
Hi Olivier,
Fair question. In fact I'm downgrading to 5.3.0. now just to keep working. But it won't work as a solution because we are currently migrating old projects to the new codebase, so I need access to both. 5.3.0 won't give me access to 1.1.0 which I need for my active development, but 5.4.0 now doesn't work for some of the last work we need with 1.0.1-based projects. I would prefer to just stick with 5.4.0 as we will ultimately migrate everything to 1.1.0 (in the next month), but until then, I'm supporting the older code simultaneously.