2023-09-12 8:47 AM
Hello, I currently working with a STM32MP157D-DK1 Development Board. I populated the board with a prebuild openstlinux 6.1 build. A SSH connection via console is successful.
To get the M4 microcontroller running I was able to build a .elf file from the GPIO_EXTI example given by the STM32Cube_FW_MP1_V1.6.0. The .elf can be uploaded into the /boot/ directory via the scp command. By configuring Boot From an SD Card the M4 starts running an executes the just uploaded .elf file.
In order to debug the software I want to use the STM32CubeIDE Debug Configuration 'thru Linux core (Production mode)'. Unfortunatly I'm not able to connect my board with the given Target status widget, which is necessary for a successful connection build up. When i try to connect my board via the "Connections" Window -> right click SSH setup -> "Open Connection", I get the following generic error:
Error opening connections
Session.connect: java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect
Creating a connection by clicking "Open Command Shell" works aswell. Trying to Debug and Flash via the ST-Link USB Connection works without any problems. Has anyone an idea where the problem is hidden?
Programm Switch:
SSH Config Propertys:
2023-09-14 9:41 PM
Is any information missing? Can anyone help?
2023-09-26 9:41 AM
Still unresolved.
2023-10-04 6:30 PM
Does not show a path to debug the M4 via network. Network debugging to the kernel requires GDB. Perhaps this pdf gives some hints.