2021-06-16 4:46 AM
I want to use the STM32CubeIDE to debug the M4 on the STM32MP1.
I setup the debug setting for debug probe ST-Link (OpenOCD). If I use the automated generation of the script, it refer to [find target/stm32mp1x.cfg].
This is not part of the default installation of STM32CubeIDE 1.6.1 and it is not located in
In general it doesn't seems to be the MP1 openocd files for the MP1 within the windows installation.
2021-06-22 7:25 AM
Hi Steffen Rose (Community Member),
[find target/stm32mp1x.cfg] called from the project debug script is indeed part of the installation of STM32CubeIDE1.6.1
<CubeIDE Install dir>\plugins\com.st.stm32cube.ide.mpu.debug.openocd_xx\resources\openocd\st_scripts\target
Did you install the IDE from this repository?
2021-06-22 8:26 AM
Yes, I did install the official release from ST.
But thank you for your path. It seems my mistake was, that I searched in the *mcu* and not in the *mpu* path of openocd.
I'm unsure, why the user script this not do automatically. But it help's me.
Thank you