2024-06-05 8:35 AM
Hello everyone,
I am new to STM32 architecture and configuration. I am trying to configure new GPIO ports and pins in an STM32H745i-DISCO board. I had some previous code for the pin configuration, but I could not 100% map it to the user manual for the board. The code is the following. I could not match these definitions to any from the manual. Could anyone help me with the mapping for pins D0-D15 on the board? Thank you very much
#define LD6_Port GPIOD
#define LD7_Port GPIOI
#define LD8_Port GPIOB
#define LD9_Port GPIOC
#define LD10_Port GPIOA
#define B1_Port GPIOC
#define LD6_Pin GPIO_PIN_3
#define LD7_Pin GPIO_PIN_2
#define LD8_Pin GPIO_PIN_15
Solved! Go to Solution.
2024-06-06 5:57 AM
Just with the HAL_GPIO_WritePin function you mean? D10 is working perfectly (new pin). D14 and 15 not at all
2024-06-06 6:24 AM
Please show your code with HAL implementation by toggling GPIOD pin 12 and 13. They correspond respectively to CN2/D15 and D14.
2024-06-06 6:38 AM
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef unsigned int uint32;
typedef uint16_t uint16;
typedef uint8_t uint8;
typedef uint8_t byte;
#define LD6_Port GPIOD
#define LD7_Port GPIOI
#define LD8_Port GPIOB
#define LD9_Port GPIOD
#define LD10_Port GPIOD
#define B1_Port GPIOC
#define LD6_Pin GPIO_PIN_3
#define LD7_Pin GPIO_PIN_2
#define LD8_Pin GPIO_PIN_15
#define LD9_Pin GPIO_PIN_13
#define LD10_Pin GPIO_PIN_12
#define B1_Pin GPIO_PIN_13
typedef struct GPIO_Pin {
GPIO_TypeDef* port;
uint16_t pin;
GPIO_PinState initialState;
uint32_t state;
} GPIO_Pin;
GPIO_Pin outputs[] = {
{.port = LD6_Port, .pin = LD6_Pin, .initialState = GPIO_PIN_SET, .state = 0},
{.port = LD7_Port, .pin = LD7_Pin, .initialState = GPIO_PIN_SET, .state = 0},
{.port = LD8_Port, .pin = LD8_Pin, .initialState = GPIO_PIN_RESET, .state = 0},
{.port = LD9_Port, .pin = LD9_Pin, .initialState = GPIO_PIN_RESET, .state = 0},
{.port = LD10_Port, .pin = LD10_Pin, .initialState = GPIO_PIN_RESET, .state = 0},
const uint8_t outputCount = sizeof(outputs) / sizeof(GPIO_Pin);
void initOutputs() {
// Common settings
GPIO_InitTypeDef gpioInit = { 0 };
gpioInit.Mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PP;
gpioInit.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
gpioInit.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_LOW;
for (uint16 i = 0; i < outputCount; i++) {
HAL_GPIO_WritePin(outputs[i].port, outputs[i].pin, outputs[i].initialState);
gpioInit.Pin = outputs[i].pin;
HAL_GPIO_Init(outputs[i].port, &gpioInit);
void toggleLed(GPIO_Led led) {
HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(outputs[led].port, outputs[led].pin);
void setLed(GPIO_Led led, GPIO_State state) {
HAL_GPIO_WritePin(outputs[led].port, outputs[led].pin, state == LOW ? GPIO_PIN_RESET : GPIO_PIN_SET);
if (state != outputs[led].initialState) {
outputs[led].state = 50;
2024-06-06 6:47 AM - edited 2024-06-06 6:56 AM
I requested a test like this in a while loop in main.c:
Are you seeing GPIOD pin12/pin13 are toggling?
2024-06-12 3:40 AM
This is just to confirm my suspicion in my previous comment regarding the discrepancy in the Arduino D0/D1 CN6 connector in table 8: PB6 and PB7 will be respectively replaced by PB10 and PB11. Also USART1 will be replaced by USART3.
The internal Ticket 183533 has been opened to fix the issue.